If you are wondering how our Business Registration Number XBerts works, then read below.
Our following alerts will check the Business Registration Number for details...
Incorrect Business Registration Number for business
Bill raised with the supplier not registered for GST/VAT
The business has an incorrect GST/VAT status
GST/VAT registration required
Payment to a supplier not registered for GST/VAT
There are 3 levels of checks that XBert will do for the above alerts...
Use the Business Registration Number of the contact record in the accounting system
If no Business Registration Number is against the contact it will scan for a Business Registration Number within the attached documents
If it cannot find a document that has a Business Registration Number it will use the name to match against records in your country's business register e.g. ABR.
Note: If your business name is missing parts or characters of their name (such as Pty Ltd, spaces, characters) it can increase the chance of the search matching to a different entity name, business name, or trading name.
If there is a Business Registration Number against the contact record in the accounting system then XBert can also carry out the following checks
Large GST/VAT activity for contact without a Business Registration Number
The Business Registration Number on the bill attachment is different to the supplier
Multiple Business Registration Numbers on attachments for supplier bill
The supplier has bills with different Business Registration Numbers on other attachments
Non-GST/VAT account has GST/VAT against it