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Set up alerts for various bill-related activities.

Marsha Galicia avatar
Written by Marsha Galicia
Updated over 5 months ago

The Bill represents a bill or invoice from a supplier, including detailed information about the transaction, such as dates, amounts, and status. It also includes line items that make up the bill.

​The AI will only look back at 12 months' worth of data.

  1. Bill Date: The date when the bill was issued.

  2. Bill Due Date: The date by which the bill is due.

  3. Status: The current status of the bill (e.g., Authorised, Paid, Voided, Draft).

  4. Code: A code associated with the bill.

  5. Supplier: Details about the supplier.

    • BusinessName: The name of the supplier.

    • ContactTaxNumber: The tax number of the supplier.

    • TaxNumber: Another tax number of the supplier.

    • CompanyNumber: The company number of the supplier.

    • AccountsReceivable: The amount receivable from the supplier.

    • AccountsReceivableOverdue: The overdue receivables from the supplier.

    • AccountsPayable: The amount payable to the supplier.

    • AccountsPayableOverdue: The overdue payables to the supplier.

    • AccountsReceivableTaxType: The tax type for accounts receivable.

    • AccountsPayableTaxType: The tax type for accounts payable.

    • BusinessPaymentTerms: The payment terms for the business.

    • BusinessHasBankAccount: Indicates if the business has a bank account.

    • BusinessDiscount: The discount offered by the business.

    • Discount: The discount applicable.

    • ContactType: The type of contact (e.g., Customer, Supplier).

  6. BusinessGroups: The list of business groups.

    • BusinessGroupName: The name of the business group.

    • BusinessGroupStatus: The status of the business group (e.g., Active, Archived).

  7. SubTotal: The subtotal amount before tax and other charges.

  8. Tax: The total tax amount for the bill.

  9. Total: The total amount of the bill including tax.

  10. Currency: The currency code (e.g., USD, EUR).

  11. Amount Due: The amount due to be paid.

  12. Amount Paid: The amount already paid.

  13. Amount Credited: The amount credited to the bill.

  14. Amount Remaining: The remaining amount to be paid.

  15. Business Invoice Number: The invoice number provided by the business.

  16. Lines: A list of bill line items detailing individual charges.

    • BillLine

      • LineItemDescription: Description of the line item.

      • LineItemQuantity: Quantity of the line item.

      • LineItemUnitAmount: Unit amount of the line item.

      • LineItemSubTotal: Subtotal amount of the line item.

      • LineItemTaxAmount: Tax amount for the line item.

      • LineItemTaxTypeCode: Tax type code for the line item.

      • LineItemTaxTypeName: Tax type name for the line item.

      • LineItemTotalAmount: Total amount for the line item.

      • AccountClassification: Classification of the account.

      • AccountType: Type of the account.

      • AccountCode: Code of the account.

      • AccountName: Name of the account.

      • TrackingCategories: List of tracking category items.

        • TrackingCategoryItem

          • TrackingCategoryName: Name of the tracking category.

          • TrackingCategoryOption: Option of the tracking category.

  17. Attachments: Indicates if the bill has attachments.

    • BillAttachment

      • OriginalFileName: The original file name of the attachment.

      • DocumentDate: The date of the document.

      • SupplierDetails: Details about the supplier.

        • AttachmentSupplierName: The name of the supplier.

        • AttachmentSupplierAbn: The ABN of the supplier.

        • AttachmentSupplierEmail: The list of supplier emails.

        • AttachmentSupplierAddress: The address of the supplier.

        • AttachmentSupplierPhone: The phone number of the supplier.

      • CompanyNumbers: Details about the company numbers.

        • AttachmentCompanyNumberABN: The ABN of the company.

        • AsString: The company number as a string.

      • Currency: The currency code (e.g., USD, EUR).

      • Total: The total amount of the attachment.

      • TaxAmount: The tax amount of the attachment.

      • InvoiceNumber: The invoice number of the attachment.

      • PaymentMethod: The payment method of the attachment.

      • BankDetails: Details about the bank.

        • AttachmentBankDetailsBankName: The bank name for the bank details.

πŸ“ Example Alerts

Alert me where the currency is different to the attachment currency.
Alert me to any bill that is not AUD and has GST > 0 on the invoice.
Let me know when the total on the bill is not the same as the total on the attachment.
Alert me when a new bill is authorised for Supplier Steve B Ears.
Alert me when the total amount for a bill exceeds $10,000.
Alert me when a bill is marked as paid and over $100,000.
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