The Bank Account Transaction class represents a transaction associated with a bank account - Account Transactions.
It includes detailed information about the account, transaction details, and line items within the transaction.
Account Code: The code associated with the account.
Account Name: The name of the account.
Status: The current status of the account (e.g., Active, Archived).
Description: A description of the account.
Account Classification Name: The classification name of the account.
Account Type Description: A description of the account type.
Account Type: The type of bank account.
Bank Account: Detailed information about the bank account, including name, number, currency code, and current balance.
Bank Transactions: A list of transactions associated with the bank account.
Related Classes
Bank Account Detail
Creation Time: The date and time when the bank account was created.
Bank Account Name: The name of the bank account.
Bank Account Number: The number of the bank account.
Currency Code: The currency code (e.g., USD, EUR).
Current Balance: The current balance of the bank account.
Bank Transaction
Bank Transaction Date: The date when the transaction occurred.
Transaction Reference: A reference code or description for the transaction.
Transaction Reconciled: Indicates if the transaction has been reconciled.
Transaction Currency Code: The currency code for the transaction.
Transaction SubTotal: The subtotal amount before tax and other charges.
Transaction Total Tax: The total tax amount for the transaction.
Transaction Total Amount: The total amount of the transaction, including tax.
Transaction Has Attachments: Indicates if the transaction has attachments.
Bank Transaction Lines: A list of line items within the transaction.
Bank Transaction Line
Bank Transaction Item Description: A description of the transaction item.
Bank Transaction Item Quantity: The quantity of the transaction item.
Transaction Item Unit Amount: The unit amount of the transaction item.
Transaction Item Item Code: The item code for the transaction item.
Transaction Item Account Code: The account code for the transaction item.
Transaction Item Tax Amount: The tax amount for the transaction item.
Transaction Item Amount: The total amount for the transaction item.
Transaction Item Reporting Tax Type: The reporting tax type for the transaction item.
Tracking Category One: The first tracking category for the transaction item.
Tracking Option One: The first tracking option for the transaction item.
Tracking Category Two: The second tracking category for the transaction item.
Tracking Option Two: The second tracking option for the transaction item.
π Example Alerts
Let me know if I have any unreconciled transactions older than 60 days
Alert me when the total amount for a transaction exceeds $10,000.