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Overview: XBert Intelligence

We've extended XBert Intelligence and custom XBert capabilities, bringing you in-depth practice insights and powerful analytics.

Marsha Galicia avatar
Written by Marsha Galicia
Updated over a week ago

Welcome to the new XBert Intelligence—the future of practice management. Under this area will be 5 pages: Community, Custom XBerts, Practice, Client, and User.

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Navigate to XBert Intelligence or XI by selecting it from the main menu item across the left.


The Global XI Community is the default page of Xbert Intelligence.

This hub offers powerful AI automation and a Community section for shared resources.

You can discover and find how others worldwide use AI prompts to enhance their work.

Custom XBerts

Similar to the XI Community, Custom XBerts are shared on this page by different XBert users.

Under the next areas, you can elevate how you work with AI flows, designed to enhance your practice and client interactions.


This page offers new AI self-assessments or health checks for your practice.

There are available prompts and configurations you can use, where you can write prompts to the AI to get a detailed review or report.

This new feature will fully automate a number of processes to help make everyone's lives easier!


Similar to the Practice page, you will have a variety of areas you can ask the AI to look into a client specifically.


On the User page, you can look into each individual Connect user within your practice.

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