When you navigate and hover over your profile image, you'll have these pages available to you. You can update your profile details, set preferences, and manage your account security.
Click play for a quick video guide! β¨
This page is where you can edit your user settings like -
Update your name
Access and copy your personal XBert inbox address to email-in tasks
Change your Region settings - affects the format of your date and time
View your Timezone - if the CONNECT Portal timezone is turned on, then this will be the same as your CONNECT Portal's timezone
Delete your Account
XBert Chrome Extension
You'll be redirected to your XBert's browser extension available to be added onto your browser.
Help and Support
This is where you can watch our Video Guides or search our Help Articles. You can also chat with us from here and request a customized report.
This will open up our in-app message system where you can reach out to us for any questions or help.
Switch Business
If you're looking to log into another Business or CONNECT Portal.