Want to streamline your task creation process? With XBert, you can convert emails into tasks or notes, automating your workflow and saving time.
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Each XBert user has a unique email address for creating tasks. To find yours, hover over the gear icon on the bottom left of the CONNECT Portal above your profile picture, select ‘Users,’ and copy your unique XBert email.
Creating a new email task
Forward an email to your XBert email address. The email subject becomes the task title, the body becomes the task description, and any attachments will be added as task attachments.
Emails without a subject will not processed or be blocked. This means it will not be created as a task even after you forward it to your XBert email address.
💡TIPS: To direct emails to a specific process, add +(process name) before the ‘@automate.xbert.io’ in the email address. For example, send it to ‘+adhoc@automate.xbert.io’ to assign the task directly to the Ad Hoc process.
Assign Email task to a Client
Once your task is created, you can assign the email task to a client, XBert remembers the email address and automatically assigns future tasks to the correct client from that contact.
Assign a Process to your Email Tasks
Select Processes from the Settings menu to change the Process that your email tasks will default to or leave the existing setting which will send them to the Process called Email Inbox.
Email in a Note
To create a Note from an email, simply add #note in the Subject line.
It will land in notes ready to triage.
💡 NOTE: The XBert emailing system cannot process messages larger than 20MB, including attachments. Please ensure your email stays under this limit to avoid delivery issues.