How To: Email in a Task

For easily forwarding in emails to become tasks.

Soraya Brown avatar
Written by Soraya Brown
Updated over a week ago

Each team member has a unique XBert email address (for example

You can send or forward an email to an XBert email address to create a Task or Note, using the email content as the body of the item.

You can then move a task to a different client, and smart logic will ensure future email tasks will be automatically directed to that Client.

Note: If you forward an Email Task from your email address, and then change the Client to Client A, a rule will be created and this will allocate all future emails from your email address to Client A. Move the Task from Client A to Client B and a second rule will be created and remember which Tasks to send to Client B.

Also Note: Once you have forwarded the email to XBert, it will pull through any additional replies into the email task.

  1. Get your or your team's unique XBert email address. Go to the panel menu on the top right of CONNECT Portal.

  2. Select Connect Users

  3. Find the Connect Users' name and then copy their unique XBert email address.

    • Using/forwarding an email using an XBert User's unique email address will assign the email task to that person.

    • You can immediately send an email task to a specified process by adding +(name of the process) before
      e.g. - This will send an email addressed to this email address to the Ad Hoc process.

    • Emails sent using your own personal XBert email are used to assign to the default role (set on the Clients board). You can now override this, and assign it to yourself, if you add +me in the email address, e.g.

    • If you sent the task in from your email, once the email task is in XBert it will ensure that you are the person who created the task. This allows people to directly assign email tasks and override the default role on the client.

  4. From the panel menu, select Settings.

  5. Select Processes from the menu on the left. In the Email Forwarding section, You can change the Process that your email tasks will default to or leave the existing setting which will send them to the Process called Email Inbox.

  6. Send or Forward to your email address.

    1. The Subject Line of the email becomes the Task Title

    2. The Body of the email becomes the Task Description

    3. Attachments on the email will be Task Attachments

    4. Emails will always create a Task unless #note is included in the subject line.

  7. On your Work board, check the Process called Email Inbox or the Process you selected for Email Forwarding. You can see all the tasks that have been emailed in.

  8. Every task will default to Practice Client, and move a task to a different client. The smart logic will remember this and future emails containing the same contacts will automatically assign it to that client.

  9. If you use your own XBert email, the assigned user will default to the 'Default Role For Unassigned' which is set on the Clients board. This will occur unless you sent in the task to a specific user's XBert email address or used +me in your email (see step 3.

  10. The Subject Line for the email becomes the Task Title

    • The Entire email becomes the Email Chain

    • Attachments will come through as Task Attachments

      • Our email logic excludes any inline images it deems are part of the email signature (like the business logo or Twitter/Facebook image links). It will only exclude inline attachments with the following file formats: .png, .jpg/jpeg, and .gif that are under 15KB in size. Any excluded attachments will not end up being on the email task we create.

    • Created details will be available at the bottom

    • The day after the Created Date will always be the Task Due Date.

  11. The Action Bar is across the bottom of the Task and you can use this to:

    1. Change from Email Inbox to another Process

    2. Change the Client the task is assigned to (and smart logic will remember this change).

    3. Assign the task to a different user

    4. Change the Due Date

    5. Add Comments and view Task History

    6. Commit Actual Time

    7. Update the Status

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