Easily attach email threads with new information to an existing XBert or task. Follow these simple steps:
Navigate to the XBert or Task
Open the XBert or task where you want to attach the email thread.
Generate the Email Address
Locate the "Email" section. Click the "Generate Email Address" button. This will create, display, and copy a unique email address for the XBert or task.
Forward the Email
Go to the email thread you want to attach in your email client and forward the email to the copied email address.
Check the XBert or Task
The forwarded email will appear on the XBert or task shortly after.
Open the email thread
Click on the email or the Open email (eye icon) button.
Emails without a subject will not processed or be blocked. This means it will not be linked to the XBert or task even after you forward it to the copied email address.
Ensure the email contains all necessary information before forwarding it.
If you don’t see the email appear immediately, refresh the XBert or task page after a few minutes.
This feature simplifies keeping all related information organized and accessible within your XBert or task.