How To: Add Custom Roles

Users can now customise their roles according to their requirements.

Jhanav Lakhiani avatar
Written by Jhanav Lakhiani
Updated over a week ago
  1. Go to the Panel Menu (hamburger icon) on the top right of the CONNECT Portal.

  2. Click on Settings.

  3. From the Settings Menu on the left-hand side, click on Roles.

  4. You can make Connect Roles for CONNECT Users and Client Roles for Client Users from here.

  5. Type the name you'd like for a role in the textbox and click on the + icon.

    The role will then be created.

  6. You can rearrange the order of your roles by clicking and holding the button on the left of the name of a role, and then dragging to rearrange the order.

  7. You can delete a role by clicking on the Bin icon on the right of the name of a role.

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