How To: Invite Team MembersFor adding users to your XBert team.
How To: Remove Team MembersDelete Users From your XBert account.
Assigning Individual XBerts or Tasks to a Team MemberFor moving XBerts and Tasks between team members.
Assigning Multiple XBerts or Tasks to a Team MemberFor moving XBerts or Tasks between team members in bulk.
Using Team Overview to See Work Allocation Across Your TeamFor full visibility of work allocation across your team.
Seeing What's Assigned to a Team MemberFor seeing what tasks are assigned to your team members.
About: User Permissions - what will my team see?For permissions and restrictions available within XBert.
Invited Users' Client Access PermissionsUnderstanding your team's client access permissions and how to edit a user's access.
How To: Add Custom RolesUsers can now customise their roles according to their requirements.
Monitoring User Login ActivityTo monitor your team's and clients' activity on XBert.