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Account Deletion FAQs

Frequently asked questions surrounding the deletion of an XBert account.

Marsha Galicia avatar
Written by Marsha Galicia
Updated over a month ago

How do I make sure all my data is deleted?

All your data will be deleted within 7 Days after the scheduled deletion date and is unrecoverable. If you wish to delete all client data before this date you can do so by deleting individual client files via the client connections page.

Can I delete all financial data before the scheduled Account Deletion date?

Yes, you can delete individual clients one at a time via the client pricing/plans page. Simply select a client on this page that has already been marked for deletion, and a panel slide-out will offer several options here including the ability to delete the file + data instantly. No refunds or credits apply.

I want to delete my entire account now.

Our policy is that you must delete your data. Follow the process outlined in the connect settings. Your Account will be scheduled for deletion at your next billing date. If you want your data deleted before the scheduled date, please disconnect your clients and delete all tasks, notes, and users. Your account will remain active until your next billing period. Please contact support if you want your account deleted immediately.

Can I reverse my Account Deletion Request?

Yes. You will be able to log in until the end of your current billing period - and click the STOP Deletion button in the header of the Application next to your profile picture.

What happens when I delete my Account?

Your subscription will be cancelled before your next billing date, and all your account data will be scheduled for deletion within 7 days from the scheduled deletion date. You will be able to log in until the scheduled deletion date and stop your account deletion. If you do not stop your account deletion, all data will be deleted and will not be recoverable. All client data will be deleted, accounting file connections will be disconnected, reports, workflow, task data and clients' notes will be deleted.

Consider the effort to change systems and ensure all stakeholders are aware of the account and its data deletion.

If you want your data deleted before the scheduled date, please disconnect your clients, and delete all tasks and notes.

What happens after I schedule my account for deletion?

After the cancellation date (next billing period) within a 7-day window :

  • Within seven days, the account is locked - You can log back in.

After seven days

  • After seven days, the account is deleted. The user cannot log back in.

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