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Understanding the Role Member and Staff Member Filters
Understanding the Role Member and Staff Member Filters

Get the most out of the different report filters for Role Members and Staff Members

Marsha Galicia avatar
Written by Marsha Galicia
Updated over a week ago

When working with reports, it is important to understand how the filters work as they impact the data displayed.

There are many different filters available in each report, however, there are some which are common to most. The Role & Role Member is a common filter.

The Staff Member filter is less common and typically is only found in reports where time has been estimated or logged as part of the completion of work, i.e. work items in XBert.

Staff Member is sometimes confused with Role Member - this article explains what each filter does and the differences between them.

The descriptions and examples below use the Estimate Accuracy report, as this is a report where both filters are used.

Role & Role Member

This filter is found on-screen and is used to filter the clients associated with a specific role or role member (e.g., Bookkeeper).

In the case of the Estimate Accuracy report, (which analyses what work has been done and whether it was done within estimates or not), it is important to note that this filter does not show who did what work. It filters by clients that are managed by the selected role member.

Example: If you select "Steve" as the bookkeeper, the report will show all work done for clients where Steve is assigned as the bookkeeper, regardless of who actually completed the work.

There can be a scenario where a selected role member rarely if ever does work for any client. For example, there may be a "Manager" role and regardless of which manager within the role is selected, all work is done by other people. A manager has clients they are responsible for, however, they do not complete XBert work items for their clients.

Staff Member

Located in the right-side filter panel of some reports, this is a report-level filter (meaning it applies to all report pages). The Estimate Accuracy report example below, filters by staff members who have logged time. Use this filter to view the specific work logged by individual team members.

Example: If you select "Steve" as a staff member here, the report will show all the work Steve has logged time for, allowing you to narrow down the data based on who completed the work.

How to use:

Role & Role Member

  • Use the on-screen filter to select a role or role member (e.g., Bookkeeper).

  • The report will display work done for clients related to that role.

Staff Member

  • Open the right-side filter panel.

  • Select a specific staff member (e.g., Steve) to filter the report based on who logged the work.

Both filters can be used together to get a more granular view of the data. For example, in the Estimate Accuracy report a use case might be "For all the clients managed by Julie, what time has Steve logged".

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