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Estimate Accuracy

Use the estimate accuracy report to compare the estimated time of completed work to the actual time.

Marsha Galicia avatar
Written by Marsha Galicia
Updated over 5 months ago

This report helps you review the estimated vs. actual time logged on both tasks & XBerts.

You can view this report when you go to Analytics. It will be under both Practice & Client Reports -

Under Practice Reports, the report will have 6 pages -

While under Client Reports, it will have 4 pages -

It's important to keep in mind that the estimate accuracy is calculated on completed work only. Only Xberts & tasks that have been completed AND have both an estimated

time and an actual time.

Understanding Date Filters in the Estimate Accuracy Report

You can change how you use this report via the filters on the left panel to make it cover a date range you prefer.

There are 3 date ranges to consider for estimate accuracy reporting -

Completion date range

On the top of the left panel, this will be the first and most important date range - it'll be the date range you want to look within, which is selected via the filter of the same name.

Note: There may not be data in the report for all of the available date ranges to select

E.g. You select the month of February for this date range, however, there may not be any work items (Tasks, XBerts) for February.

Also, by default, the available date range will be the last 12 months and the current month.

In this case, 01 Feb 2023 - 29 Feb 2024.

On the bottom of the left panel, there will be two other date ranges you'll see, Estimated & Actual time, respectively. The date ranges you'll see on both are not set by you.

Estimated time date range

The date range you'll see under this is derived from the completion date range (see above) and your work items i.e. what you see in your work board (your tasks & XBerts)

Note: Each work item can (optionally) have a time estimate against it.

E.g. You have 45 work items that have been completed, then the earliest and latest of these work items' completion dates represent the estimated time date range. In this case, if you have Feb 2024 as your completion date range, and within that month, these 45 work items were completed, the earliest of them was completed on Feb 1st, and the most recent completed on Feb 15th. Therefore, the estimated time date range is Feb 1st to Feb 15th.

Actual time date range

Just like the estimated time date range, this relates to work items but these will be the work items that have had actual time logged against them.

Note: Not all completed (or incomplete) work items will have time logged against them and there could be work items with no estimated time but with actual time.

E.g. From the example above, you could have actual time logged on to 30 of the 45 work items on various dates between Feb 12th and Feb 15th. The actual time date range is Feb 12th and Feb 15th.

Estimated Accuracy Vs. Actual Time Report

When it comes to comparing these two reports, it's important to understand how different date types and work statuses affect these reports.

Here are some key things to keep in mind:

Different Date Types

In the actual time report, dates represent when time was logged for work.

But in the estimate accuracy report, dates signify when work was completed.

It's important to note that this report only includes data for completed work. The reasoning behind this is that for incomplete work, there may still be additional time to log.

Therefore, comparing actual time to estimated time (estimated accuracy) isn't feasible until the work is complete - and even then, you must keep in mind the different dates that are in use each report.

Work Status

The estimate accuracy report focuses solely on completed work, while the actual time report includes all work hours, whether complete or incomplete.

This means that the time screen in XBert may not mirror the data presented in the estimate accuracy report precisely.

While the Time screen displays all hours logged, the estimate accuracy report only showcases hours for completed work.

Filtering Work

You can filter the Time screen to exclude incomplete work, making it easier to compare with the actual time report.

However, when comparing with the estimate accuracy report, discrepancies may arise due to the differing date types and work statuses.

Consideration of Date Ranges

It's crucial to consider date ranges when analyzing work data.

For example, selecting January 2024 in the actual time report might show work completed in February or March 2024 in the actual time report. But the estimated accuracy report for January 2024 could include work completed in December 2023.

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