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Overview: Work Board

See all the Alerts and Task Activities, for all Team Members, Processes and Clients in the one place.

Soraya Brown avatar
Written by Soraya Brown
Updated over a week ago

Welcome to your XBert Work Board—your central hub for managing XBerts and tasks across your entire team. Whether you’re overseeing multiple clients, coordinating with team members, or tracking essential processes, the Work Board is designed to keep everything organized and accessible in one place.

With just a few clicks, you can easily navigate activities by date range, process, or client, helping you stay organized and efficient. In this guide, you'll learn how to make the most of the Work Board to streamline your workflow. Let’s dive in!

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Navigate to the Work board by selecting it from the main menu item across the left.

The best place to start segmenting your data is with one of the main filters.

1. Date Range

Select a date range to show all activities due within that date range.

It is set to Dynamic - This Month by default, but you can also select to view by Day, Week, Month, Quarter, Year, Financial Quarter, Financial Year, Dynamic or Custom view that you can set yourself for your convenience.

2. Process Column

All your activities will be filed under a Process, set these up to align with your internal processes so you can easily focus on one at a time, e.g. Payroll, BAS or Bookkeeping, etc.

3. Client Column

To work through a single client at a time, you can select from the Client Column and see all the activities related to that client.

You can use the Client Search bar at the top of the column to search for a client by name.

💡 TIP: Customising your process list allows you to focus on what matters most!

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