Enhance Your Practice Management with Xero Practice Manager and XBert Integration
How To: Turn On Xero Practice Manager IntegrationFor linking XBert to XPM
Mapping XBert User Accounts to a Xero Practice Manager Account
Configuring Xero Practice Manager Job LinkingConfiguring Xero Practice Manager Job Linking
Linking Xero Practice Manager Clients to XBert Clients
Setting Up Time Tracking for Internal Time in XBert with XPMAdvice on how you can setup internal time and have this automatically update into XPM
Leveraging Task-Month Labels and Quarter Conventions for Automatic Mapping to XPM TasksUsing XPM date labels and auto mapping with XBert
XPM Unable to Connect to XBertFor users having trouble connecting XBert to their XPM account.
Disconnecting XPMHow to disconnect and existing XPM integration
How To: Import XPM roles and XPM Client GroupsSeamlessly import roles and client groups from XPM.
How To: Override XPM Job Task Auto-MappingFor linking a task in XBert to a different job in XPM.